TOP 10
Here's a list of my 10 favorite video games (I know you all were asking)
Mario Party/ Kart
I know that I'm making my #10 like 5,000 individual games but I enjoy them all for the same reason. The classic games that kill friendships. Everyone can still remember their dramatic wins and losses, and will forever have grudges. You love and hate your friends and yourself while playing these games, and are often exhausted after playing them, but they are just too damn fun to ever stop playing. I mean there are a million games between the two franchises for a reason.
Star Trek: The Game
Ok ok. Hear me out. This is a TERRIBLE game. It has game breaking bugs. It has unacceptable graphics for the technology available at the time. J.J. Abrams himself dropped out of the game saying it was "...obviously a big disappointment to me". However, my sister and I had so much fun playing co-op on this game and just ripping into how terrible it really is. It's like when you watch The Room and have an amazing experience even though its the worst movie ever made. There were so many times when we cried laughing at the bad dialogue and incredible bugs we found throughout. And, I mean, the original cast does the voices, and I could listen to Chris Pine and Zachary Quinto all day. It's a game that when my sister and I are in a store and see it being sold for ¢.50, smile and have a laugh. That makes it one of my favorite games in my book.
Kingdom Hearts 2
Now if you know anything about me, it is that I love all things Disney. I've been to Disney World with my family every year since I was 16 and Disney Land Paris once, I have a Mickey tattoo on my ankle, I even worked at Disney World right after graduating from my undergraduate university. So its not a huge surprise that Kingdom Hearts is on my list. Awesome game play PLUS the ability to explore the worlds and characters from some of my favorite films? Slam dunk. However, there are just WAY TOO MANY other Kingdom Hearts games that have been released since the 2nd installment, and (oops) I've never played any Final Fantasy so I kind of miss out on the significance of that. So there are elements that stop this game from being higher on my list. (But that doesn't mean I'm not going to shirk my responsibilities and play Kingdom Hearts 3 nonstop when it comes out).
Every Nancy Drew computer game
This is the reason I am as into gaming as I am. Also it is a pivotal part of my sister and my childhood and close friendship. Her Games made their first exploration/ puzzle game in 1998, and my sister and I have played all 32 released since then (and eagerly awaiting the 33rd coming out next year). The games are surprisingly difficult, informative, and incredibly fun. They can be a bit kitschy at times, but they are the epitome of feminist gaming, something the world needs more of.
Super Smash Bros (any version)
I love these games so much. They succeed in a way so many other beat-'em-ups try and fail. Responsive, challenging, and rewarding, you won because you were good, not because of any luck (looking at your Mario Party). You're either good or you weren't, and you just had to keep playing until you had one or two characters you could kick anyone's butts with (Ike and Link, my boys).
Resident Evil 4
Another example of a game I love because I played it with my sister and had way too much fun. Its probably the first real horror game I had ever played and it was damn scary (the sounds the Regenerators make is still in my nightmares). It was years after playing it that I found out how the game had revitalized the Resident Evil brand and was the first game to introduce fun and easy to use game mechanics to the franchise, and it made me love it even more. Its sad what has happened to the game series since RE4, but I feel like Resident Evil 7 really has the chance to help bring the quintessential zombie game back in the spotlight.
Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker
This might be more of a thing outside of the UK, but you know how everyone has a favorite Doctor from Doctor Who, and its usually the actor where the person had first started to watch the show? (<3 you David Tennant) I feel like this is similar to Legend of Zelda games. Ocarina of Time may be the "best" Zelda game out there, but Wind Waker was my first so will always have a special place in my heart. I love the stylized art, and the story is fun and expansive in a way a lot of other games aren't. I wish I could say it is my favorite Zelda game of all time, but there's another that managed to squeeze past and earn that title.
Alien: Isolation
I love this game for a different reason than I love the other games on this list. I played this game for the first time when I was interested in learning about game design, but really had no knowledge about the subject, and I really enjoyed playing it. However, the more I learn about what technology and skill goes into good game design, the more I appreciate just how good of a game it is. It is well paced, the scares build well so they stay consistent but don't get boring, it is difficult without being unfair, and the AI that went into creating the Xenomorph is astounding. Throughout my classes, when discussing what makes a 'good game', I feel like I can always use Alien: Isolation as an example of amazing game design.
Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
So I bought a Switch SPECIFICALLY so that I can play this game. Yeah, sure I'm excited about Super Smash Brothers and Animal Crossing, but if Breath of the Wild was the only game I could ever play on the Switch, I would consider it completely worth it. This game has everything you could possibly want, from engaging story, to free and encouraged exploration of a humongous and dynamic world, it really is the game to beat all other games. Its going to be in the top 10 list of my and many other people for years to come.
The Last of Us
Now my favorite game of all time changes day to day really. But The Last of Us is always the first that pops into my head. It is the epitome of what all other games try to be. I'm a sucker for a good story, and The Last of Us has the best story of any video game I've played. I love the characters, despite how flawed they are. Ellie is a feminist role model that is desperately needed in games. It is tragic, yet knows when to add a but of joy to make the biggest impact (THE GIRAFFE SCENE MY HEART). Yet, the story doesn't take away from the game play, like some other games on this list have. I can't tell you how excited I am to play The Last of Us 2 when it comes out, and I'll probably be an emotional wreck for months afterwards. (See my article about my other thoughts of TLOU2 on the main page of this blog).