Art Imitates Life
Life is interesting in the way it is always looping. I feel like we are always repeating different life events in a constant cycle. This...

The Future of Oiseau
While I have been thinking of Oiseau for over a year now, I hadn't put a lot of thought into the future of this project past my module...

A wild character name appears!
Now that I have the name of the game and protagonist, I have been coming up with some more ideas for other characters. Specifically, the...

The Name of the Game is....
I have been working on writing the story for my game for well over a month now, and have been making good progress! But I have been...
Design Progress
The idea for my new game has been brewing for over a year, while I was recovering from an illness. Video games can represent a lot of...

Finished Steam Commercial
It's done! I'm very happy with how this project turned out. I really honed a lot of the skills I had and added a plethora of new ones. I...

I have finally put my game into a VR space!! It's amazing being able to interact with a creation this way. I'm used to making static art...
Progress Check
Hey! So I've been putting my nose to the grindstone for the past few weeks, not only with moving officially back to the UK after this...

Tattoo Parlour VR Design Obstacles and Difficulties
Designing a video game always comes with its share of obstacles that have to be overcome, and I didn't fail in encountering many myself...

Google's Tilt Brush
While I might never have the same quality as Google's Tilt Brush VR, I imagine that my game for a VR tattoo parlor will have responsive,...